Immunity Boosting Seafood Recipes
Tis the season to boost that immune system, stave away all those nasty cold and flu bugs that seem to plague us during the colder months. Adding bits and pieces of good-for-you food can help build up your immunity.
Immunity Boosting Foods: Citrus, Bell Peppers, Garlic, Ginger, Spinach, Yogurt, Broccoli, Turmeric, Almonds and….Seafood!
We have some immunity inspiring recipes, combining seafood with other delicious superfoods.
Citrus and Scallops
This recipe for Citrus Scallops packs in the those vital vitamins (Vitamin C, especially). Scallops are also rich in Omega-3’s, making it a very strong contender for nutritional MVP. Some studies show that these fatty acids enhance the white blood cell activity.
Bell Peppers and Shrimp
Who knew that something as delicious as fajitas could help you boost your immune system! Bell peppers are chock full of fiber, folate and iron ~all necessary ingredients for aiding in the fight against the flu! Shrimp are fully loaded with several vitamins and minerals (B12, Zinc and Niacin to start), all the key micro-ingredients necessary to fight infections.
Garlic and Tuna
Who doesn’t love garlic! And garlic is the perfect partner for a thick juicy tuna steak, we adore this easy recipe for Garlic and Herb Grilled Tuna Steaks. And, although, the weather outside may not be ideal for grilling, using a stovetop grill pan or griddle is a fine substitution. Garlic plays a big part in the fight over infection, having antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Tuna, again one of our Omega-3 superstars, helps reduce inflammation. Inflammation puts a strain on your immune system, boosting your Omega-3 intact lets your body focus it’s attention on cold and flu bugs.
Ginger and Salmon
Nom nom nom, a nice fillet of salmon seasoned with ginger. This marinated, glazed and simple salmon recipe packs in a nutritious punch, thanks to the whopping 1 tablespoon of fresh ginger! Ginger is one of those miraculous ingredients, chock full of antioxidants. These antioxidants are responsible for reducing the daily damage our environment causes in our body~especially during cold and flu season. Salmon is equally power-packed, with nutritional goodies like B12 and Zinc, all help in fending off the seasonal sniffles.
Spinach and Swordfish
Not only a delicious piece of fish, we love recommending swordfish for those who are just starting to increase they’re weekly seafood quotient. An approachable, meaty and almost steak-like fish. As for boosting your immune system during the colder months, swordfish contains a lovely level of Omega-3s (and we know how great those are for cold and flu fighting). Spinach, like citrus, is loaded with Vitamin C. Providing our body a much needed boost before, during and after we’ve come down with a cold.
Yogurt and Cod
One ingredient that may surprise some (especially with immune system improvement) is yogurt. Thanks to the probiotics in yogurt, and the benefits that probiotics have on good gut health, your body will be more adept at fighting seasonal infections. Cod (and especially the good-for-you fats in cod) contain a decent about of vitamins A and D. These vitamins are shown to aide in your respiratory functions.
The combination of the two may also come as a surprise, but trust me, tis a delicious pairing. This recipe for an herbaceous yogurt sauce topped cod fillet is a great example.
Broccoli and Tilapia
Yes, eat more broccoli! And, to greatly improve upon your broccoli (we know there’s some broccoli naysayers out there), pair it with a delicious, tender tilapia fillet. We love this ‘take-out done right’ recipe for Sweet and Sour Fish with Broccoli, not only for it’s flavor but for it’s ability to cram in as much immunity fighting ingredients as possible (garlic and ginger are present too!). Broccoli contains an amazing amount of essential vitamins and minerals (C, E, calcium and fiber). Tilapia, like many of our other immune system friendly fish, contains a nice amount of vitamins and minerals too (B12, phosphorus, selenium and potassium).
Turmeric and Lobster
Turmeric has seen some recent fame in the past few years, touting a plethora of nutritional benefits. Like it’s cousin, ginger, turmeric (especially, fresh turmeric) is known for it’s antioxidant properties. Lobster is loaded with an essential nutrient, selenium. Selenium has shown to also have some serious antioxidant power.
So, with these two powerful ingredients combined, we present a creative curry recipe.
Almonds and Catfish
Almonds are the superstar of superfoods, delivering high levels of vitamin E. Vitamin E is essential to protecting our cells from damage (exactly what the opposite of what cold and flu viruses are trying to accomplish). Catfish contains many of the same immunity boosting components as much of the fish on this list, as well as being an excellent source of lean, energy generating, protein. Yes, our bodies need ‘good’ fuel to help fight off infections.
This simple, yet deliciously satisfying recipe is a culinary classic.
Ready to Boost your Immune System?
Look no further than Cameron’s Seafood! We have every immunity boosting seafood ingredient listed in this article available to purchase. We have you covered! All the seafood listed in this article is available online and shipped right to your door. Click this link to check out our selections!
Do you have a favorite superfood seafood recipe that you would like to share? Have a trick or tip that we haven’t covered? Feel free to share it with us! We’re always looking for new and innovative ways to cook and prepare our seafood. Post your images, recipe or tips on any of our social pages…. @cameronsseafoodonline (for Instagram) or @CameronsSeafood (for Facebook).