Stuck at Home Seafood Meals and Ideas
Stuck at Home Seafood Meals and Ideas Ever feel like you’re on an episode of Chopped? Standing in front of your fridge or kitchen pantry, thinking…’What can I make with this stuff?’ Especially, if you’re cooped up inside the house, knowing that another run to the...

Maine’s Mains: Seafood Tricks and Tips from Vacationland
Maine’s Mains: Seafood Tricks and Tips from Vacationland Lobster, lobster, lobster and…. More lobster but also…clams, mussels, scallops and salmon. Maine is bountiful with fresh seafood. We’ll dive into the why’s and what’s that make Maine a seafood cuisine champion...

How to Make the Most out of your Seafood: Lobster
How to Make the Most out of your Seafood: Lobster Fresh Maine lobster is a fabulous ingredient. One that is so versatile in the kitchen and lends itself nicely as a main feature for any breakfast, lunch or dinner. Lobster really is a quick cooking fix for easy and...

Picnic Seafood Salads: Classic and Contemporary
Picnic Seafood Salads Classic and Contemporary Eating in the great outdoors the creme de la creme of warming spring or summery weather. In honor of all things picnic we wanted to share with you our very favorite seafood picnic salad recipes. We’ve broken them down...

The Classics Revisited: from Lobster Thermidor to Crab Louie
The Classics Revisited: From Lobster Thermidor to Crab Louie Fine dining around the turn of the 20th century was a thing of opulence, fancy dress and even fancier food. It was a time for creativity in food. The classically trained French chefs developed some of the...

Best Restaurant Seafood Dishes-at Home!
Best Restaurant Seafood Dishes-at Home! Dining out is fun… but… what if I told you that your favorite casual restaurant menu items are super easy to make at home? You’ll likely say, “Patterson, you’re a trained chef of course it’s easy for YOU to say that”! No, no, no...

Maine’s Best Lobster Stew (and they serve it with a blueberry muffin!)
Maine’s Best Lobster Stew (and they serve it with a blueberry muffin!) A few years ago I dragged a couple of friends and my husband to Maine. It was a two fold trip, one-to see the New England fall foliage and two-to see how much lobster we can eat in a long weekend....

All the Ways to Prepare Lobster
All the Ways to Prepare LobsterWondering how to prepare lobster? Here it is friends, your one stop information shop for all the wonderfully easy ways in which lobster can be cooked. All the delicious lobster options discussed in this article are available on our...

How to Cook Lobster Tails
How to Cook Lobster Tails Today, lobster graces the menus of the world’s best restaurants—but did you know that it was once considered a poor man’s food? It wasn’t until the 1880’s that lobster became quite popular, and by World War II it was deemed a delicacy. There...