Summer of Crab Legs: Our Favorite Recipes
Summer of Crab Legs: Our Favorite Recipes As the weather warms, we retire the heavy comfort foods for something a little more lighter, brighter and seasonal~using up all those fabulous flavors that Summer produces. This Summer we’re all about the Crab Legs! They are...

Stuck at Home Seafood Meals and Ideas
Stuck at Home Seafood Meals and Ideas Ever feel like you’re on an episode of Chopped? Standing in front of your fridge or kitchen pantry, thinking…’What can I make with this stuff?’ Especially, if you’re cooped up inside the house, knowing that another run to the...

Crab Cake Carbonara + Wine Pairing
Crab Cake Carbonara + Wine Pairing Pinot and Pasta…a perfect combination, especially when pairing this delicious recipe for Crab Cake Carbonara with La Follette 2014. Pinot Noir is a versatile wine with lovely acidity, subtle minerality, touches of floral earthiness,...

Seafood Spreads
Seafood Spreads This time of year is some of the most exciting for me~ the food obsessed. My family pulls out all the stops when it comes to holiday snacking. The spreads are always the highlight. My Xmas wish list usually includes a number of cheese balls that my...

Kid Friendly Seafood Tips
Kid Friendly Seafood Tips I had a baby sitter when I was a youngster that was a maverick with getting kids to try new foods. Her trick? She would brag to us about how many tastebuds she had! Pointing to her tongue and saying, ‘I got this one from brussel sprouts’ or...
Asparagus and Crab Fettuccine
Asparagus and Crab Fettuccine Pasta is my go-to comfort food, perfectly suited for any time of year. In winter you simmer rich meaty ragus, chilly autumn calls for cozy pasta recipes that are punctuated by creamy sage scented sauces, summer noodle dishes are tossed...

Making the most out of your seafood: Crabs
Making the most out of your seafood: Crabs Meal planning and prepping can seem like such a chore, just another thing to add to the weekly list of things to do…Well, no worries my friends. Here is everything you need to know to not only make the most of your blue crabs...

Crab Cake Breakfast Biscuits
Crab Cake Breakfast Biscuits Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, beside having the title of ‘most important meal of’, I love getting the creative culinary juices flowing first thing. Especially since, as a chef (and general food obsessive) I go to bed thinking...

Keto, Paleo and Whole30 Crab Lettuce Wraps
Keto, Paleo and Whole30 Crab Lettuce Wraps We’ve all seen lettuce wraps dotting menus of casual restaurants and filling our social media feeds with tempting imagery. If you haven’t made them for yourself, let me be the first to convince you that lettuce wraps are easy...

Picnic Seafood Salads: Classic and Contemporary
Picnic Seafood Salads Classic and Contemporary Eating in the great outdoors the creme de la creme of warming spring or summery weather. In honor of all things picnic we wanted to share with you our very favorite seafood picnic salad recipes. We’ve broken them down...