How to Make a Crab Broth + Chinese Spicy Crab and Noodle Soup Recipe
How to Make a Crab Broth + Chinese Spicy Crab and Noodle Soup Recipe Once those temperatures begin to drop… you know what that means…Soup season!!! At Camerons Seafood HQ, we are big fans of soup. Fresh seafood requires chilly temperatures, so we’re always looking for...

Our Favorite Seafood Pizza Recipes
Our Favorite Seafood Pizzas October is National Pizza Month! For those solicitors of slices, proprietors of pies, and maniacs of melty mozz, we’ve curated some of our all-time favorite seafood pizzas. Fire up those ovens, friends. It’s time to make some pizza! ...

Fall in Love with Crabs this Autumn
Fall in Love with Crabs this Autumn Blue crab season runs until the end of November, making them the perfect protein for Fall recipes. The biggest, heaviest crabs are harvested in Fall, so not only are Autumn blue crabs in season, they’re arguably the best crabs...

Spectacular Seafood Curries
Spectacular Seafood Curries There is a whole wide world of curry possibilities. Our personal curry favorites, naturally, are the steaming bowls filled to the brim with delicious seafood. Lucky for us, South East Asia shares in our penchant for seafood and, in this...
Healthier Alternatives to Frying Seafood
Healthier Alternatives to Frying Seafood We are all looking for ways to make the foods we love healthier. Finding alternatives to deep fried seafood may seem tricky at first, but, with a little clever culinary maneuvering, we can make equally delicious options without...

Household Holiday Hors D’oeuvres
Household Holiday Hors D’oeuvres Our holiday celebrations might be a little smaller this year but that doesn’t mean they should lack in flavor, substance or merriment! Here are some of our all-time favorite seafood hors d’ oeuvres recipes, curated from some of our...

No-Cook Seafood Dishes
No-Cook Seafood Dishes Even with all this time spent at home, it still feels as though our family’s schedules are packed! By the time dinner rolls around, we’re tuckered out…tired and hungry are not a good combination, am I right? So, for those extra busy days, I’ve...

Got Leftover Soup?
Got Leftover Soup? The culinary conundrum that is leftovers. But(!), even as delicious as our soups are, we know that 32oz of seafood soup might make it into the leftover category. And(!), just because it’s a leftover doesn’t mean it needs to be repetitive or (dare I...

Fall Vegetable and Seafood Pairing Guide
Fall Vegetable and Seafood Pairing Guide This is probably one of the best times of year for produce! A whole new variety of food-stuffs to play with~heartier, robust and quintessentially, Fall. We’ll guide you through all the bounty that’s available this season and...

Our Favorite Summer Seafood Sandwich Recipe
Our Favorite Summer Seafood Sandwich Recipe Wooooweeeee! We might have overdone it with this one, ladies and gentlemen! The total summer sandwich package… A crispy pan-fried crab cake topped with a seasonal tomato & corn salad and drizzled with a little homemade...