Stay Healthy with Seafood!
Nutritional Information & Portion Guide
Seafood is one of the healthiest protein sources. Each and every fin fish or shellfish is chockfull of good-for-you nutrients. In this article, we’ll dive deep into our catalog of seafood. Sharing our most sought-after seafood options’ nutritional information and portioning recommendations in this handy guide.
Crab Meat (Jumbo Lump or Lump)
Crab meat is packed with lean protein, the building blocks of muscle maintenance. Crab meat is rich in B12, folate, iron, niacin, selenium, and zinc, all the components built to boost metabolism and heart health.
Crab Meat: 4 ounce portions = 94kcal, .8g fat, 0 carbohydrates, 20g protein
Fresh Shrimp
Shrimp contain minerals galore…potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron! In addition to their mineral composition, shrimp are an excellent source of protein and (we feel) the perfect, delicious, meal solution.
Fresh Shrimp: 4 ounces= 112kcal, .3g fat, .2g carbohydrates, 27g protein
Lobster Meat
Not only an excellent source of protein, lobster is good brain food! Lobster contains choline, which plays a key role in brain function and cognition. In addition to the brain boosting choline, you’ll find a hearty supply of Omega-3s. Another brain boosting nutrient!
Lobster Meat: 4 ounces= 116kcal, 1.5g fat, 3g carbohydrates, 21g protein
Scallops are chock full of Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s are those healthy, protein-based fats that help balance your cholesterol levels. Magnesium (also found in scallops) contribute to cholesterol balance as well! All leading to healthier blood vessels and overall heart health!
Scallops: 4 ounces = 124kcal, 1g fat, 6g carbohydrates, 23g protein
Tuna Steaks
Our protein powerhouse…Tuna! It’s meaty flavor makes tuna an excellent substitution for red meat in many and most recipes. You’ll also find tuna to have a robust supply of vitamin B12, the healthy blood vessel vitamin.
Tuna Steaks: 4 ounces= 148kcal, .7g fat, 0g carbohydrates, 33g proteins
Superfood salmon! Salmon is packed with protein and one of the best sources for Omega-3s, B12, and potassium. All of these fine nutrients are linked to heart health, skin health, bone health, and mood improvement.
Salmon: 4 ounces= 232kcal, 14g fat, 0g carbohydrates, 25g protein
Stock up on Healthy Seafood…Today!
All of the seafood listed in this article are available at our online store. As we say, ‘from shore to door, 3 days fresher than the grocery store’-all of our seafood is delivered right to your door when you schedule it, guaranteed! That’s a convenience you need, especially when planning out your next healthy meal!

About the author
Patterson Watkins is a professional chef with over 17 years of experience. With a robust career in restaurants, contract dining and catering (including 4 Summer Olympic posts preparing food for the athletes!) Patterson joined the Cameron’s Seafood team at the end of 2018 to concoct some delicious recipes with our premium seafood items as the centerpiece.