Keto, Paleo and Whole30 Seafood Sheet Pan Dinners Sheet pan dinners are fun and easy and with the addition of good quality seafood, the perfect family meal. Covering the spread of specialty diets each of these 3 recipes are Keto, Paleo and Whole30 approved. Pro tip:...
California Brown Rice Bowl This recipe combines the rich fresh flavor of our sustainable Atlantic salmon fillets with healthy vegetables, brown rice and a lively citrus vinaigrette flavored with chives and garlic. An easy prep ahead meal, perfect for brown bag lunches...
The Classics Revisited: From Lobster Thermidor to Crab Louie Fine dining around the turn of the 20th century was a thing of opulence, fancy dress and even fancier food. It was a time for creativity in food. The classically trained French chefs developed some of the...
5 Quick, Easy and Healthy Crab Recipes Isn’t it always the dinner time challenge, the ‘what are we eating tonight’ conundrum? Even the best meal plans get crunched by time and we’re left with either ordering takeout (yet, again) or microwaving something less than...
Shrimp and Scallop Poke Bowls Poke (pronounced ‘poh-kay’) is a wonderfully flavorful Hawaiian seafood tradition. Poke, which means to ‘cut in’ or ‘chunk’, is a celebrated food-stuff consisting of lightly marinated fresh fish or shellfish. The marinated seafood is then...